Thursday, May 04, 2006

Where the Magnets should be with a Magnetic Bracelet

When you are buying a magnetic bracelet, as well as how the bracelet's style fits in with your wardrobe, make sure that the magnets will be in the right position for you.

There are two pulse points close together on the inside of your wrist. If you hold a thumb or finger firmly on them, you will be able to feel your pulse.

Those two spots are exactly where you want the magnets' bio-morth poles to be.
They shouldn't be tight against the skin - you want to keep the blood circulating without any hindrance!

But the closer they are to the pulse spots the better. The magnetic field from a small magnet in a magnetic bracelet does not penetrate very deeply. A magnet on the other side of your wrist will probably do no good at all unless you have a swollen wrist, in which case it will help ease the swelling.

If the blood going through your wrist comes under the magnetic field of the bracelet, that's when the power of the magnet can help your body to heal itself.
So make sure that you get the right size of bracelet for you! Otherwise you may just have a nice piece of jewelry.


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