Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Main Reason People Wear Magnetic Therapy Jewelry - Pain Relief

There are lots of good reasons to wear magnetic jewelry, but usually people start when they are in pain.

Whether the pain is from arthritis of from martial arts, wearing a magnetic bracelet often helps the pain to be more manageable or even go away all together.

For some people the pain goes away in half an hour or so. And for some people it takes a week or two. But lots of people have told me how they forgot to put on their bracelet at some time and the pain came back. Plenty of people who didn't notice they didn't have their bracelet on until they felt the old familiar pain again.

Well, this isn't 'scientific' and I do wish that there would be more scientific studies with different sorts of magnets and different polarities facing the wearer and different strenths and different lengths of time. But until these studies are done we just have to do the best we can.


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