Saturday, April 29, 2006

Using Magnetic Dots

First gently explore around the painful area, especially in any depressions, to find the places that are most painful. These are the places where the bio-north pole of the dot magnets should be placed. Mark them with a felt tip pen if you need to to remember where they are.

Attach the bio-south pole of your magnetic dot to a bandaid and place it on those points. Now the bio-north is facing your skin.

Remove the magnets at least once a day to wash and dry the skin and to let it breath for a short while. Then wash the magnets in warm soapy water, rinse and dry them and attach them to the same points again, with once again the bio north facing the skin.

It can be amazing how well they can reduce swelling and relieve pain if they are placed in the right position and with the bio north facing the skin. I always use 2500 gauss magnets for this myself.


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