Thursday, June 01, 2006

Magnetic Jewelry as 'Medicine'

Magnetic Jewelry is classified as Alternative Medicine.
Alternative to prescription drugs of course - For most of man's history there was no such thing as 'alternative healing' - just 'healing!

If something worked to cure a problem then it worked to cure a problem.

Which is better to use?

Well, that has to depend on how you feel about things.

If you get prescription medicine, check out about all the possible known side effects, both long and short term, of the drugs you are prescribed. Some of those lists can be pretty scary and some things seem pretty safe.
I've heard that if aspirin was invented today it probably wouldn't pass as an over the counter drug. It causes bleeding in the stomach I understand. Check out some of the bad things aspirin can do to you here:
'Aspirin interferes with digestion, the formation of body starch, the production of tissue proteins, and the ability of the cells to absorb sugar; it slows the clotting of blood, increases the need both for oxygen and for every known nutrient, and accelerates the urinary loss of calcium, potassium, vitamin C and all the B vitamins.

Aspirin can force the adrenal glands to produce a little more cortisone, but in the process it depletes the glands of vitamin C and pantothenic acid.

Aspirin impedes vitamin C absorption in the gastrointestinal track as well as damaging the vitamin C itself. It can block Vitamin C from being absorbed into your body or break it down too fast. Aspirin causes a buildup of toxins within your body, which then increases your need for vitamin C. It greatly reduces vitamin C absorption.

Aspirin causes you to excrete calcium through the urine.

Aspirin is also an antagonist of magnesium. It can also lower potassium levels. It increases the body's retention of sodium as the sodium/potassium balance will be effected.'

Now think about it. If you have say arthritis, would you rather take aspirin - a drug considered so safe that you don't even need a prescription for it - or would you rather wear some magnetic jewelry to help relieve the pain and swelling?


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